December 6, 2013 Presentations

Rehabilitating Historically Ditched Salt Marsh in Delaware’s Inland Bays: The Slough’s Gut Experience — Chris Pfeifer, CARDNO ENTRIX Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport in Eastern Sussex County, Delaware with Emphasis on Impacts of Spray Irrigation of Treated Wastewater — Changming He, DGS Project Update: Delaware Inland Bay Aquaculture Regulation Development — Zina Hence, DNREC F&W

September 6, 2013 Presentations

Delaware Water Quality Portal — Kevin Brinson and Tina Callahan, UDEL (No Presentation) The Fall Delaware Bird Migrations: Raptors to Sea Birds — Anthony Gonzon, DNREC Harim Millsboro Proposal — Allen/Harim Assess the Potential for Accumulation of Toxic Trace Elements in Biota near Burton Island Ash Disposal Site — Bart Wilson, CIB

June 7, 2013 Presentations

Preliminary Historical Overview of Marsh Changes in the Inland Bays, 1938-2007 — Andrew Homsey, UDEL Parks and Recreation planning for Delaware Seashore State Park in light of sea level rise — Matt Chesser, DNREC Marsh and Water Monitoring Science Guiding Wetland Management at Prime Hook NWR — Susan Guiteras, USFWS

March 15, 2013 Presentations

Preparing Delaware to Adapt to Sea Level Rise — Susan Love, DNREC Nutrient Management and CAFO Programs in The Inland Bays — Lauren Torres, DDA Hard Clam (Mercenaria Mercenaria) Population Density and Distribution in Rehoboth Bay and Indian River Bay, Delaware — Michael Bott, DNREC