
Well Maintained Parks are Important for the Inland Bays

We are all fortunate to have so much public land around the Inland Bays.  In fact, there are seven areas managed by DNREC’s Division of Parks within the Bays’ watershed including:  Fenwick Island, Holts Landing, Fresh Pond, Delaware Seashore, and Cape Henlopen State Parks; and the Thompson Island and Angola Neck Preserves.  The benefits to […]

Press Conference Announcing Sea Level Rise Awareness Week

MILFORD, Del. (September 10, 2014)— Delaware Nature Society has partnered with 19 other organizations on a campaign called S.O.S Delaware to raise public awareness about sea level rise and its impact on Delaware.  The state’s second annual Sea Level Rise Awareness Week will run from September 13 – 20, 2014.  A press conference announcing the effort […]

Working upstream to improve water quality in the Inland Bays

“Improving water quality in the Inland Bays begins upstream,” according to Eric Buehl, Land Conservation and Restoration Coordinator for the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays. There are about fourteen major tributaries that carry fresh water into the three bays, but those waterways are fed by hundreds of small streams, creeks, and ditches that carry […]

Center for the Inland Bays To Celebrate 20th Anniversary with a Gala on the Bay

The Delaware the Center for the Inland Bays will celebrate its 20th Anniversary with a Gala on the Bay on Thursday, August 14th from 5:30 to the Rehoboth Beach Country Club overlooking Rehoboth Bay. The evening will include a special raw bar and cocktail reception, dinner, “Friends of the Bays” Award presentation, live music, […]

Volunteers needed for Inland Bays Cleanup

Indian River Inlet, DE:    The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays, the DE Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Concern’s Division of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Section, and the Division of Parks and Recreation are seeking volunteers and boats for the 10th annual Inland Bays Cleanup.  The Cleanup will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday, […]

Scientists Present Work on Two Native Species of the Bays

The public is invited to attend the upcoming meeting of the Science and Technical Advisory Committee for the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays (CIB) on Friday, June 6th from 9:00 a.m. – noon at DNREC’s Lewes Field Facility located at 901 Pilottown Road in Lewes by the public boat ramp. Two scientists from the […]