What is the Clean Water Campaign?
The Clean Water Campaign is a statewide effort to secure funding to improve Delaware’s water – clean water is critical to our economy, environment, wildlife, food supply, and public health.
The Center, along with the Delaware Nature Society and the University of Delaware’s Water Resources Center, is one of three steering committee members of the Alliance, which has launched a campaign to improve the quality of Delaware’s water by educating people about the importance of clean water and advocating for better policies on the local, state, and federal levels.
Dedicated funding for clean water is essential for a cleaner environment, healthier crops and food sources, and a healthy and growing economy. Additional clean water funding will be used for upgrades to wastewater treatment facilities and stormwater systems; environmentally sound solutions to remove contaminants from our water; and protection of wetlands and open space. Increased funding for statewide clean water initiatives ensures a better, stronger Delaware.
Find out how you can get involved at cleanwaterdelaware.org.