Mountaire Pollution Report

Mountaire Pollution Report

The Center’s Mountaire Pollution Report was produced with input from the Center for the Inland Bays Board of Directors’ ad hoc Committee on Mountaire Pollution, formed at its meeting on December 15, 2017.

Committee participation included Board Members Vickie York (Board-Elected Director), Jonathan Forte (Board-Elected Director), Rob Robinson (Appointee of the Senate Pro Tem), Scott Andres (Chair of the Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee), Mike Dunmyer (Board Elected Director), and Hans Medlarz (Sussex County); Citizens Advisory Committee Members John Austin and Richard Watson, and CIB staff members Chris Bason (Executive Director) and Michelle Schmidt (Watershed Coordinator).

Publicly available information was used to prepare the report, some of which was obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests to government agencies. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) was unable to provide much of the information requested due to an ongoing investigation of the violations at the Mountaire facility.