Volunteer Training: Diamondback Terrapin Survey

This year marks the Center’s third Diamondback Terrapin Survey. Diamondback terrapins are an important salt marsh predator and iconic Inland Bays species, but little is known about their long-term population status and how that changes from year to year and place to place. Terrapins also face a number of serious threats, including habitat loss, collisions with motor vehicles, and drowning in crab pots. By counting basking terrapins from land-based sites and pre-planned kayak routes, the Center aims to gain a better understanding of their local population and trends. 

This year, all training sessions will be held in-person and virtually through Zoom. Registration information and the required volunteer waivers are available online at https://www.inlandbays.org/get-involved/volunteer/. The dates and times for each training along with more information about each particular volunteer effort are provided below. 


Register Here

Recordings of all training sessions will be made available on the individual programs’ webpage following the scheduled sessions.