James Farm Ecological Preserve Tour

30048 Cedar Neck Rd. Ocean View, DE 19970

The James Farm Ecological Preserve Tours will each feature a different topic that will be revealed once attendees arrive, from the history of the Preserve to searching for wildlife throughout the property’s various habitats. This program is weather-permitting. Attendance is free, but space is limited. Pre-registration is required. 

Register for the tour HERE!


We are committed to ensuring the safety of all participants. For this reason, we will adhere to safety precautions put in place by the State of Delaware:

  • Face coverings are required in public places, including outdoors.
  • Strict social distancing of at least 6 feet between anyone outside a family unit must be maintained.
  • Practice good hand hygiene. Hand sanitizer will be available on-site.
  • Stay home if you are sick.


For questions or more information, contact Environmental Educator, Jared Ryan, at [email protected].

James Farm Ecological Preserve