Kids’ Day: Backyard Critters at the Inland Bays Garden Center


These programs are family friendly kids days— designed for parents, grandparents and guardians to learn alongside the young children in their lives. A parent or guardian must remain with their children throughout the program.

Discover different animals that you may find in your yard! Learn about adaptations by examining replica skulls and playing camouflage games. Participants will get an opportunity to explore the Inland Bays Garden Center and learn about different animals and bugs they may find in their own gardens through hands-on activities. The program will also include a take-home project to help people bring their new knowledge & skills back to their own homes!

The suggested donation for this event is $10 per group. All proceeds benefit the Delaware Center of the Inland Bays. Donations are nonrefundable.

Program takes place at the Inland Bays Garden Center: 38320 Muddy Neck Rd, Frankford DE 19945 from 10am-12noon.

Registration required:

Questions? Please contact Maddie Fox at [email protected]

Inland Bays Garden Center